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Embarking on the journey of starting a business is a blend of excitement and fear. On one hand, you have the opportunity to bring your vision to life and create something that can have a real impact on people’s lives.


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Embarking on the journey of starting a business is a blend of excitement and fear. On one hand, you have the opportunity to bring your vision to life and create something that can have a real impact on people’s lives. On the other hand, there’s always the fear of failure hiding in the background. The fear of failure can be paralyzing, especially in the world of startups, where there is so much uncertainty and risk involved. In this article, we delve into the fundamental principles of building successful products and explore how to significantly mitigate costs, time, and risks.

The Pitfall of Perfectionism

Many founders aspire to create a groundbreaking product akin to Apple’s perfection right from the start. Driven by the belief that they intuitively understand customer desires, these entrepreneurs invest substantial time and resources in developing what they perceive as an perfect solution. However, the harsh reality often unfolds as they realize they’ve spent millions on a product that fails to resonate with the market. They litteraly built product that nobody wants. Lack of product-market fit stands as a leading cause of startup failure, with 42% of startups meeting this fate, as highlighted by Marshall Hargrave’s insights.

The Complexity of Success

Every entrepreneur must recognize that building a successful product is extremely hard, risky, high-stakes endeavor. It involves navigating through a labyrinth of challenges, from unpredictable market dynamics and fierce competition to evolving consumer preferences. The process is fraught with uncertainty, as technological advancements can quickly render even the most innovative ideas obsolete. In addition to the external pressures, internal obstacles such as resource constraints, tight deadlines, and the need for cross-functional collaboration can contribute to a high-stakes and stressful environment.

The iterative nature of product development means that setbacks and failures are not only probable but almost inevitable. The harsh reality is that around 90% of startups eventually fail.

One way to lower the risk is use agile and lean development practices.

Agile and Lean Development Practices

The core premise of those practices is the following – When you face uncertainty, try something you think might work, get feedback, and adjust accordingly. https://www.agilealliance.org/agile101/  In the world of startups it means aiming  for minimum viable product (MVP) which you can release, validate and quickly iterate.

Minimum viable product is  the release of a new product (or a major new feature) that is used to validate customer needs and demands prior to developing a more fully featured product. To reduce development time and effort, an MVP includes only the minimum capabilities required to be a viable customer solution. https://www.gartner.com/en/marketing/glossary/minimum-viable-product-mvp

The Agile methodology, characterized by its iterative approach, involves breaking projects into phases and prioritizes continuous collaboration and improvement. It emphasizes continuous releases and the integration of frequent customer feedback with every iteration.

Among others, software teams that embrace agile project management methodologies to increase their development speed, expand collaboration, and foster the ability to better respond to market trends. https://www.atlassian.com/agile/project-management

The Lean Startup Philosophy

Delving deeper, many startups are embracing the lean startup methodology, as outlined in Eric Ries’ bestselling book, “The Lean Startup.” This methodology introduces the Build-Measure-Learn cycle, a process focused on gathering and analyzing feedback swiftly. The essence of this cycle lies in learning fast, using validated learning to quickly and iteratively build products. Large or small, the companies that thrive in the digital economy as innovative leaders are those who listen to their customer base. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/innovate/considerations/adoption.

The central theme is getting the product into the hands of customers quickly and learning from their interaction. While comprehensive market research is valuable, letting users engage with the product through an MVP provides unparalleled insights into problem-solving and user preferences.

Even if an MVP will not cover all end user problems, it is the best way to start learning about different ways to solve customer problems. From this point forward, you should be able to use this feedback and  quickly iterate.

Utilizing the build-measure-learn cycle results in a product development approach characterized by continual learning about customers needs and problems. This ongoing learning is integrated into the design and development stages, fostering continuous and incremental enhancements to the product. This methodology enables the systematic, incremental addressing of unknown aspects in a step-by-step manner, breaking them down into small manageable components.

Build-Measure-Learn Cycle

The iterative Build-Measure-Learn cycle is a continuous process crucial for navigating the complexities of product development. Comprising three interconnected phases—Build, Measure, and Learn—this cycle offers a structured approach to innovation.

Setting the Foundation: Focus and Planning

The Build-Measure-Learn cycle starts by setting the focus of the cycle, which can stem from insights gained in previous cycles or internal team ideas. Planning follows suit, where the team identifies experiments or tests to conduct. To get the most out of an experiment you need to formulate a hypothesis connected to the problem the product aims to solve. This hypothesis should derive from assumptions made during ideation or lessons learned from previous experiments. Once you have the hypothesis you can plan how to prove or disprove the theory. Crucially, experiments must be small enough for quick implementation and testing.

The Build Phase: Turning Ideas into Reality

The Build phase involves translating ideas into code, creating the product. The objective here is to develop a small, simplified version of the product feature or capability,  that allows you to test formulated hypothesis. This phase serves as the practical realization of conceptualization, allowing for tangible insights during subsequent evaluation.

Measure: Quantifying Experiment Outcomes

In the Measure phase, the team quantifies outcomes from conducted experiments using gathered data and predefined metrics established during the planning phase. This analytical step provides a quantitative basis for assessing the success or failure of the hypothesis, enabling informed decision-making in the subsequent Learn phase.

Learn: Informed Decision-Making

The Learn phase is the critical part of the process, demanding insightful decision-making based on the Measure stage’s findings. Two primary options emerge: Pivot or Persevere. If the hypothesis is proven incorrect, a pivot may be necessary, involving a partial or complete change in direction. Conversely, if the hypothesis is validated, the team can persevere, maintaining the current trajectory into the next cycle.

Even if the decision is to halt development, the Build-Measure-Learn cycle proves valuable. The investment in partial development and testing provides concrete data have the measurements and data to prove that the product would not have a future. This strategic approach ensures that time and resources are invested judiciously, exploring potential successes and avoiding blind gamble of your time and resources.

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But what if there is a better way?

However, the article also raises the question: Is there a better way? As described  building products even using the best agile frameworks is a Herculean task that demands resilience, creativity, risk tolerance and a willingness to confront a myriad of challenges.  The risk of financial loss is omnipresent, and the failure rate of new products in the market further underscores the perilous nature of the endeavour. You need to handle constant stress from overwhelming financial burden, deadlines, fear of failure and constant need to pivot, change, adapt, iterate and innovate.

How startups can leverage no code platforms?

Entrepreneurs embarking on the startup journey are no strangers to the challenges of translating ideas into viable solutions. However, the advent of no-code platforms has revolutionized the landscape, providing a game-changing toolkit that enables rapid development with minimal costs.  Unlike traditional development of new applications that involved writing thousands of lines of code over the months of hard work, complex processes, and substential budget, no-code platforms are made to make the process of developing web apps exponentially simpler, cheaper and available to anyone.

Central to the no-code platform is a user-friendly environment equipped with a set of tools. These tools encompass ready-made components such as buttons, menus, tables, forms, and even entire applications. Users can either modify these pre-built templates or create entirely customized applications from scratch.

Beyond ease of use, no-code platforms expedite the development cycle, enabling faster time-to-market and the flexibility to adapt to evolving business needs. Additionally, these tools facilitate collaboration between non-technical and technical teams, bridging the gap between business requirements and technical implementation. Learn more about the basics of no-code in our article here (https://www.elwisapp.com/2023/11/22/boosting-innovation-with-no-code/).

The main benefits of using no-code platforms to develop applications

Rapid Prototyping

No-code platforms empower startups to rapidly prototype, creating their first Minimum Viable Product (MVP) within days instead of months or years. Traditional software development cycles can be time-consuming and expensive, but with no-code tools, entrepreneurs can quickly build, test, and refine their prototypes. This agility allows startups to respond swiftly to market feedback, changing trends, and user demands.

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Fast Iterations and Validated Learning

Streamlining the development cycle, no-code applications and empowering startups to be highly agile reach much further than to quckly creating minimum viable product Without the constraints of coding, teams can experiment with various hypotheses simultaneously, accelerating the learning process. Ability to make changes within hours or days enables quick turnaround time allow startups to gather immediate user feedback, quickly iterate, adjust and improve the product. This fosters an environment of constant experimentation and refinement that is crucial for staying responsive to customers needs and ensuring the ultimate success of your product.

Cost-Effective Development

No-code platforms significantly reduce development costs by minimizing development time and complexity, eliminating the need for a dedicated development team and associated expenses. This cost-effective approach is particularly advantageous for early-stage companies operating on limited budgets.

Faster Time-to-Market

Time-to-market is critical for startups aiming to establish themselves in competitive industries. No-code platforms enable faster development cycles, accelerating the time it takes to turn a concept into a fully functional product.  This speed provides startups with a competitive edge in adapting to evolving market conditions and significantly reduces time-to-revenue.

Scalability and Flexibility

As startups grow, their product needs evolve. No-code platforms offer scalability and flexibility, allowing startups to adapt their applications and processes to accommodate increased user demand and changing business requirements without a complete system overhaul.


In conclusion, the rise of no-code platforms has unlocked unprecedented opportunities for startups to innovate, collaborate, and compete. These tools not only break down traditional barriers to entry but also address common challenges leading to startup failure. As the no-code movement gains momentum, it becomes evident that the future of startup innovation is intricately connected to the accessibility and power of no-code development. Entrepreneurs who embrace this paradigm shift position themselves to thrive in a landscape defined by agility, cost-effectiveness, and rapid innovation.